Five Minute Journal TextExpander Snippets

A few days ago I listened to Tim Ferriss’s show on The Magic of Mindfulness and learned about the Five Minute Journal. I made some TextExpander snippets for it.

I love the idea of the Five Minute Journal, but I know that I won’t use yet another notebook or iPhone app to fill it out. I took a look at the tools I use on a daily basis and came up with a solution: A TextExpander snippet that I can put into the journaling app I already use, Day One.

All I have to do is type ;5am in the morning and ;5pm in the evening to fill out the journal. It automatically adds the date and time then pre-populates the template. Presto. It works on TextExpander’s iOS app, too.

I formatted the snippets with Markdown so they can be easily used in a wide variety of apps. If you want to change the formatting, feel free to make it suit your specific needs.

Download the Five Minute Journal snippets for TextExpander (as a zipped file) here.

Here is what the morning and evening snippets look like and the final result in Day One:

Five Minute Journal Morning TextExpander Snippet

Five Minute Journal Evening TextExpander Snippet

Five Minute Journal entered into Day One

Download the Five Minute Journal snippets for TextExpander (as a zipped file) here.


2 responses to “Five Minute Journal TextExpander Snippets”

  1. Quinn Avatar

    The download link to is broken.

    1. Sorry about that, Quinn! Thanks for the heads up. I just fixed the link.

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